What You Should Expect From Your Court Reporter
As an attorney, you will want to familiarize yourself with the credentials of the reporter you have hired to make sure they are acceptable to you. You will want to make sure your reporter is capable of handling the proceedings you have hired them to report. You will want to know what certifications they possess and make sure they stay abreast and up-to-date. Don’t be afraid to inquire about your reporter’s experience or education. This is something qualified reporters are happy to share with you – they are proud of their education and training. Qualified reporters are also open and candid about their pricing and levels of service furnished to you.
To maintain the highest professional level of court reporting, reporters can earn certifications as evidenced by these initials after their name:
Registered Professional Reporter (RPR)
Written knowledge test
225 words per minute
Registered Merit Reporter (RMR)
Minimum three years’ experience
RPR status
Written knowledge test
260 words per minute
Registered Diplomate Reporter (RDR)
Minimum six years’ experience
RMR status
Written knowledge test
Certified Realtime Reporter (CRR)
Writing realtime at 96% accuracy
Certified Broadcast Captioner (CBC)
Written knowledge test
Writing realtime at 96% accuracy
Certified CART Provider (CCP)
Written knowledge test
Writing realtime at 96% accuracy
Certified Legal Video Specialist (CLVS)
Seminar attendance
Written knowledge test
CLVS production test
Certified Shorthand Reporter (CSR)
(Administered by state testing agencies)
Written knowledge test
225 words per minute
If your reporter possesses any of these initials after their name, you can be assured they attend continuing education seminars and stay abreast of the latest technologies and rules in the legal and reporting fields.